Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why Is It Important To Learn CSS?

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a popular stylesheet language that is used to define the presentation of mark-up languages. It is a handy tool to style the web pages written in HTML and XHTML. With CSS, you can have better control over the look and feel your web pages. This is because CSS lets you control various web page elements like fonts, text, color, backgrounds, margins and layout.

Here are some potential benefits of learning CSS

Improving Website Design

Building websites has never been easier with so many readymade web templates available on the internet for free. However, one problem with template solutions is they are plain and common. Because templates are not exclusive, they can be bought and used by many people. CSS allows you to modify pre-built templates so that they look like customized versions and stand apart from the others. You can apply your choice of colors and styles and get close to having a customized website.

Cutting Investments

Website maintenance is a tough job. You can hire web designers to build websites for your and work on CSS. But then, the job doesn???t end there. As long the website continues to exist, it would need to be maintained. This would again need the services of the website designer. CSS allows you to modify the website contents and carry out any update process without any problems. By knowing how to work with CSS, you will be able to fix small changes by yourself. This can save you lots of money and cut your investments pertaining to the website significantly.

Making Money

CSS is an indispensable tool at hands of web designers. CSS offers a plethora of styling options that can be employed to alter the look and feel of a website. By having sound knowledge of CSS, website designers can gain expertise in their field of work and make money with their designs.

Quicker Redesigns

Website redesigning is a popular trend. Be it to keep pace with the evolving times or changing the website to match the corporate identity, website redesigning is a very necessary concept. However, traditional websites that were built without CSS are difficult to redesign. This is because stringent HTML codes are not very easy to change. On the other hand, website built with CSS can be redesigned very quickly and with minimal effort. It is very easy to change elements like colors and backgrounds. In no time you can completely revamp the look and feel of the website.

The best example of website redesign can be seen in the festive seasons and special occasions, when websites put special versions of their site and tweak their design to match the flavor of the season. All it takes is to spend a couple of hours creating and alternate style sheet for the occasion.

Creating Diverse Websites

CSS allows you to create websites that contain completely different looking web pages without the need to extensive coding procedures. A popular trend nowadays is to design different sections of a website in different colors in order to categorize the various parts. CSS lets you do this very efficiently. You can change the CSS for each section using page IDs while maintaining the same HTML structure throughout.

Kabir Bedi is the senior web consultant at LeXolution IT Services, a reputed web design India company that specializes in offering an extensive range of web design & feature services. He has in-depth knowledge about the trends and underlying mechanisms of the World Wide Web.

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